Thursday, 5 March 2015

 Regimen can be changed but Chastisement can not be changed

"As I look back upon the history of my country, I do not find in the whole world another country which has done quite so much for the improvement of the human mind. Therefore I have no words of condemnation for my nation. I tell them, "You have done well; only try to do better."

But Poverty is becoming a tragic point for establishing humanity in our country now.In every time and moments brothers and sisters of Swamiji are seeking for the basic human rights.rights. Every time we are searching for better Government which should provide us the minimum requirements of life.But we failed.How is this independence.We could give consolation to us in the period of our 300 years slavery that we are unable to live our required life.
  In this 67 years independence We have MLA s in the place of cruel landlord.But our request is not granted like old.We have MPs in place of Bargadars;Yet illegal pressure possession is happening.Farmer can die for diet,Labour can suffer for life,Their families can becoming a victim of Trafficking,and also organ trafficking but we have to supply cars and all facilities for public servants.Every moment we are insecure for our life and to lead our life.  
  When you will come again to lead and settle for a another revolution.When we can be a part of your way,India desperately need you to make your philosophy and word true.                   (Cont.......)